Hierarchical Data Retrieval Made Easy with Recursive SQL Queries

Demystifying Recursive SQL: An Approachable Guide to Hierarchical Data Retrieval.

If you've ever worked with hierarchical data, such as folder trees or organizational charts, you know how challenging it can be to retrieve this data from a database. One solution to this problem is to use recursive SQL queries.

Recursive queries are a powerful tool for retrieving data from hierarchical structures. They allow you to retrieve the data in a hierarchical order and can simplify your code significantly.

In this article, we'll cover the basics of recursive SQL queries, including their syntax and usage. We'll also provide an example of how to use recursive queries to retrieve data from a folder tree.

Understanding Recursive SQL Queries

Recursive SQL queries are useful whenever you need to iterate over a set of rows based on a defined set of rules and the iterative process depends on the results of previous iterations. Here are some examples of where this technique can be useful:

  • Retrieving hierarchical data: You can use recursive SQL queries to retrieve data from hierarchical structures, such as a folder tree or organizational chart.

  • Running totals: You could use a recursive query to calculate the running total of sales for each month in a sales table. The iterative process would involve adding the sales for each month to the total for the previous month.

  • Graph traversal: You could use a recursive query to find the shortest path between two points in a graph. The iterative process would involve exploring neighboring nodes and evaluating the distance to the target point.

  • Grouping: You could use a recursive query to group items based on a set of rules that depend on the results of previous iterations. For example, you could group items into categories based on their similarity to other items in the same category.

To understand recursive queries, it's important to first understand common table expressions (CTEs). CTEs are important temporary result sets that can be referenced within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. They are useful for simplifying complex queries and can improve query performance.

Recursive queries use common table expressions (CTEs) to perform iterative operations on data. The CTE is defined using a WITH clause and typically consists of two parts:

  • The non-recursive part, which is executed once at the beginning of the query;

  • The recursive part, which is executed repeatedly until the termination condition is met.

The non-recursive part of the CTE retrieves the base case of the hierarchical structure. The recursive part uses the results of the previous iteration to retrieve the next level of the data.

Recursive Query Syntax

Here is the syntax for a recursive query using a CTE:

WITH RECURSIVE cte_name (column1, column2, ...) AS (
    -- non-recursive part
    SELECT ...
    -- recursive part
    SELECT ...
SELECT * FROM cte_name

The WITH RECURSIVE clause defines the CTE, cte_name is the name of the CTE, and (column1, column2, ...) is a list of columns that the CTE returns.

The non-recursive part of the query is defined in the SELECT statement of the CTE. The recursive part is defined in the UNION statement of the CTE and references the CTE itself.

The SELECT statement outside of the CTE retrieves the final result set.

Retrieving Data from a Folder Tree

Let's look at an example of how to use a recursive SQL query to retrieve data from a folder tree.

Suppose we have a folder tree that looks like this:

Folder 1
├── Folder 2
│   ├── Folder 3
│   └── Folder 4
└── Folder 5
    ├── Folder 6
    ├── Folder 7
    └── Folder 8

We can represent this folder tree in a database table with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE folders (
  folder_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  folder_name VARCHAR(50),
  parent_id INT

Here, folder_id is the primary key of the table, folder_name is the name of the folder, and parent_id is the ID of the folder's parent.

To retrieve all the folders in the folder tree along with their respective parent-child relationships and levels in the hierarchy, we can use the following recursive SQL query:

WITH RECURSIVE folder_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT folder_id, folder_name, parent_id, 0 AS level
  FROM folders
  WHERE folder_name = 'Folder 1'


  SELECT folders.folder_id, folders.folder_name, folders.parent_id, folder_hierarchy.level + 1
  FROM folders
  JOIN folder_hierarchy ON folders.parent_id = folder_hierarchy.folder_id
SELECT folder_id, folder_name, parent_id, level
FROM folder_hierarchy;

In this example, we're using the WHERE clause to select the Folder 1 as the root of our branch. Then, we're joining the folders table with the folder_hierarchy CTE using the parent_id and folder_id columns.

Finally, we're selecting the folder_id, folder_name, paretn_id and level columns from the CTE. This will give us a list of all the folders in the Folder 1 branch of the folder tree, along with their parent folders and the depth of each folder.

You can use similar queries to perform other operations on the folder tree, such as finding the number of files in each folder or calculating the total size of a folder and its subfolders. The possibilities are endless!


In this article, we've explored how recursive SQL queries can be used to represent hierarchical data structures, such as folder trees. By using a common table expression (CTE) and the WITH RECURSIVE statement, we were able to build a recursive query that traverses a folder tree and returns the folder hierarchy as a result set. We also discussed how this result set can be used to perform various operations on the folder tree, such as retrieving all folders in a specific branch or finding the depth of a folder.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. With recursive queries, you can apply this same approach to any hierarchical data structure, from organizational charts to product categories. And by combining this technique with other SQL features, such as window functions and subqueries, you can solve even more complex problems.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article on recursive SQL queries. I hope you found it useful for working with hierarchical data in your projects.